- KEPHIS confirms the continuation of container and vessel inspection charges. Click on this link for more information.
- Public Notice on the processing of ICT products import permits issued by the Communication Authority of Kenya.
- Notice to all exporters of avocado. RE: Opening of fuerte avocado harvesting season in Kenya for 2024/2025 Fiscal Year. For more information, click here.
- Public Notice to exporters of meat in compliance with the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) No. (SFDA.FD 996:20) ) related to chilled and frozen livestock meat.
- Kenya is set to resume the export of mangoes to Europe. For procedures for the export of mangoes to the EU market for a first-time trader, click here. For the full article on the resumption of exports to European market, click here.
- Kenya Trade Network Agency (KenTrade) has revised its fees for training and other premium services. For a schedule of the revised fees, click here. Stay up-to-date with InfoTradeKE Portal.